Our Performance Rehab Program

Introducing our Performance Rehab Program - a comprehensive and personalised approach to injury management.

What do I get?

  • Unlimited 1:1 Physiotherapy Sessions (as required)

  • Full Access Gym Membership

  • Access to Group Rehab Training Sessions (Physio / EP Lead)

  • 1:1 Strength and Conditioning Coaching - to get you comfortable in our space.

  • Individualised Programming over 9+ Training Blocks

  • Full Access to GameReady (Premium Recovery Device)

  • Access to preferred Dietician / Psychologist Services

  • Access to SOF Group Fitness Timetable (over 85 classes including Pilates, Yoga, Off-Feet Conditioning, and more)

  • (Approx $397/wk in value)

Why do we do it this way?

Accountability - the single most common reason people fall short of their goals. When you sign up as a Performance Rehab Member, everything you see on the above list is yours.  24/7.  

In a traditional rehab model, a “comprehensive” job would see a patient have approximately 52 touchpoints with their Physio (Early-phase = 2x sessions/wk + Mid-phase = 1x session/wk + End-phase = 0.5x session/wk) over the course of a year (e.g ACL). 

Our Rehab Program will see you have upwards of 275 touchpoints with your Rehab Team - ensuring that you are supported at all times, especially when the going gets tough (it will).

Services and facilities - we are so fortunate to have a list of services, staff and facilities that would not be viable for most standard clinics to offer.  At SOF, we endeavour to close the healthcare loop giving you the best chance of fighting off your injury/niggle/condition for good.

Community - it’s always easier in a group.  Our Field and Gym-Based Group Rehab sessions foster endless discussions of support, reassurance, validation and motivation.  There really is no secret here - group training works.

And finally… The RESULT!

I understand this can all be difficult to picture…  

Let’s take the humble hamstring injury as an example:

Most would expect to be told you’re going to spend the next week doing R&R with your good old friend RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevate)

Meanwhile, the training progress you made starts to slip away, and as much as you resist, the distance grows farther between yourself and your teammates. That marathon, the starting position in the First Team, or the Wednesday night game of touch footy with your mates, seems further and further away.

Not only does this seem like a wild misuse of resources and education, it’s plain and simply not human.

Here’s where we come in

Day 1: Walk away with a carefully curated plan that outlines every element of the recovery process. Immediately action your Modified Program - that includes rehab in line with the most current evidence base available, and strength and conditioning that works around your injury. A Biomechanical Testing summary - so both you and your practitioner can accurately track your progress. You may even have Sam (our in-house barista/hype man) bring you a cappuccino while you’re sitting in the Gameready (Premium Recovery Device).

Day 2:  Re-enter YOUR rehab facility to meet YOUR rehab staff, who are ready to assist you in carrying out YOUR rehab program.  It’s all YOURS - we want you to take advantage of it.

Final Day: Return to your sport / activity of choice in the best physical shape of your life, with so much confidence, that you forgot you were even injured in the first place.

So whether you’re an up and coming athlete who has just had their world tipped upside down by injury, or you’re someone who wants to get an injury-free season under their belt and play with their mates, we’ve got you covered.


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2022 - Year in Review